Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"I thank my God . . ."

He Has Made Me Glad

My joy is full.

This weekend has been glorious and my joy is full.

My weekend was glorious because my joy is full.

Full. Gloriously and deliciously full.

Satisfied. Full.

Not over done. Nothing over the top.

Just full. My joy is present. My joy is Christ.

He wooed me and won. He made my joy full.

God, who is divine, filled my heart with joy. Songs and dancing.

Very speakable. Joy.

Unknown are all reasons. Imperfect as life is.

Nothing has altered it. Joy has made me smile from within.

My toes feel crinkled as anticipation waits. This joy must continue.

It is fabulously sinking into who I am. I’m back. I’m His.

He has made me glad

I wrote the above script as a sing/songy way of expressing my heart in the moment. I used to write poetry but now every time I try, it sounds like a "teen-ager" as my friend so sweetly and honestly pointed out! Haha! I loved it when she said that because often times, I feel like a teen-ager still. The grey hairs that are beginning to spring up on my 26 year old head, in the same fashion and placement as all Blalock females before me prove this notion as incorrect but it's still there. What is "it" you ask? That inner youth. The gumption that only a teen feels. Do you know what I'm talking about? The need to rebel a little, at least in the solitude of your head, with only the consequences of your talk with Jesus? Well, I do . . . And sometimes, often.

My post today has nothing to do with poetry, youth or even grey hairs! That was for free! I actually want to write a post in "My story, His story" as dedicated to my friends who are on mission locally and abroad, for the cause of Christ . . .

Yesterday, I had the privilege of surprising one of my best friends at the close of a WMU (Women's Missionary Union) bi-weekly meeting, where she was honored with the opportunity of being the key-note speaker. I had joked with her about showing up at the start with a foam finger and a sign that boldly read, "Vote Henderson - 2012." I did have the sign but I decided to ease the possibility of nerves and arrive after the closing prayer. It was a fabulous moment. We had only seen each other once in the last 4 months or so and so our reunion was special but that was not the fabulous part in all. After our initial embrace (Always a little overdone and perfect for our "out of control" friendship), I had the great blessing of watching woman after woman, walk over to my friend, place their sometimes feeble hand on her arm, look into her eyes for the strength of her youth, and tell her what a blessing her message had been in their hearts and how she was gifted among women. Wow. What a blessing for me to even behold. As I referenced, some of these women were in their 80s and had heard hundreds, if not more, women speak. Her message had been special to them and she had accomplished her goal in coming, to reveal God's message to their hearts, motivating them to shine as they are able for Christ in their everyday lives. My friend, the speaker, singer, comforter, motivator, and all together Godly example . . . Is 23 years old.

This is just one example of the many people God has placed in my life as not just acquaintances but friends, on mission for Him. Some have chosen to make careers of this mission work, carrying the message of the cross to their homelands, upon graduation from seminary and some have been called to work in the secular workforce, making the most of their stories in the break rooms of their offices. My friends are warriors. A large majority of my friends have been gifted with the art of worship through music. They bring tears of joy and sorrow as they play or sing melodies that could bring kings to their knees. Some teach children Bible stories or even math in a way that helps them see Jesus as REAL and ALIVE! Many of my dear friends will be, or are already, pastors in local churches across the country. These people are facing the trials of the church, not an easy task as many of us know firsthand. Foreign missions is a call on several of my closest friend's hearts. Year after year, they continue to go as Christ commanded. I am inspired by their tenacity. A few of my close friends are still training . . . Seeking the Lord for His next steps in His journey for them.

Very few of my friends have turned away from the passion God has given them. For those few, my heart wrenches. I can imagine they are miserable . . . at least on the inside. My head lifts up and my eyes seek the sky and the Creator of it for answers as to why they have fallen away. Those few are in God's hands. I love them and I pray. They belong to Him. He loves them more.

Most of my friends have yet to meet the apex of their potential . . . We're all still really young for heaven's sake! I am amazed because of this fact. God has called them out so young. They are afraid. All of them. In their own way, they tremble, doubt, and worry a little over what's next and about who they will do this life thing with? But they are all still Moving Forward. And I'm proud. Grateful is my heart as I peruse Facebook and witness the cries of their passions for Christ's glorious Gospel. The spreading of His message meets many different forms but all are built on a daily surrender to His call. I could never reference to all of the ways my friends continue to serve their God in ministry to people, so much of it lies even under a humanitarian effort and could go on in explanation for years, but God sees them. As do you and I. We see their hearts via social media. And for the few of us that have the awesome opportunity to witness their gifts firsthand, we leave inspired to do great things with our lives, yes, and with our every day.

What are you doing to change the world for the better? If you don't know Christ and are reading this post, and many of my posts prior, you may have questions. Feel free to e-mail me at laurenac84@gmail.com or find me on facebook, send me a message and I will be happy to explain anything you would like to inquire about. For those who know Jesus as Lord, feel free to dive into this post and its' message. Yes, it is to exclaim a little over the servants of God that I am blessed to know well but it also is to challenge the lazy believer. Christ called us to care for the orphans and the widows. I do not claim to have accomplished this goal by any means! I do desire to be inspired myself for greater works of good.

May His refining fire make my salvation bear fruit in the form of service for my fellow man. May His love portray grace in my speech and actions and may His Spirit pour out from my being as He fills to overflow. What good is learning if we don't continue to teach what we know.

Philippians 1: 3-11

"I thank my God(in all my remembrance of you, 4always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. 6And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. 7It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart, for you are all partakers with me of grace, both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel. 8For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. 9And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God."


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