"Revive Me"
I wrote those 2 words on my left hand as the pastor preached his Sunday sermon. Later at the grocery, my mama saw the 2 words and asked if I was planning to choke . . . I had NO CLUE as to what she meant! Haha!
She explained that it looked like a good way to let someone know they have permission to do CPR on you if necessary! She said, "Just hold up your hand and let them read those words!"
She's so cute . . . and wise.
The reason I wrote the 2 words on my hand to begin with is because I've gotten kind of tired, worn out, and spread a little thin recently. My heart is to serve the Lord in as many ways as I am able to on an every single day missional scale. It is rare that I say no to an opportunity to give . . .often it's giving my time and attention and now . . .well, honestly, I'm tired :) My weekends are booked (Non WR events and WR events alike!) and I will just concentrate on breathing for the next 2 months, I suppose! Ha!
Sunday morning, as I wrote those 2 words, I might as well have been doing exactly what my mother suggested. The only difference being that the One I needed to revive me was a heavenly being.
I really was asking God to do CPR on my weary mind, heart, spirit. I lifted up my left hand to Him yesterday and asked Him to "Revive Me."
I do not take my World Race opportunity for granted and I strive at fundraising and telling my WR story as well as I am able! I can hardly go an hour without sharing about it to someone! This is my current passion and as many of you know and for others of you, let me tell you . . . I am a passionate being! Haha! I love people, I love being on mission, and I just love to share God's truthful message of life, love, and liberty!
Now you know the truth, I needed revival.

This weekend was the (in)RL conference through #(in)courage, a community of women online who desired to bring that community into Real Life. I chose to do the opposite of what others did and instead of getting a group of women together and building my local community (Which is my normal idea of ministry), I needed community with God and chose instead a 2 person gathering, me and Him. It was beautiful! I watched the videos, knowing He was right there with me, championing me on to revival of spirit! Blessed to have apersonal God. The conference was amazing and the stories glorious. The writers spoke to my heart and caused a great revival of my mission. I was also connected with a young woman through the conference in Kenya who I will meet on month 3 of my World Race at the #Mercy House she directs. Blessed, yes blessed.
Now I look to the finish line.19 days until my WR Training Camp
60 days until I "go" on my World Race
- Pray with me for God's deliverance of souls, His provision for the hungry & needy, His liberty for those enslaved, and His healing for the sick in body and spirit.
-Pray for me as I go? I could ask nothing more of you, my friend.
I am nearing the finish line of my preparations and yet only the starting line for my race. The Apostle Paul spoke to Timothy and said, "...I give you this charge, preach the Word. Be prepared in season and out of season - correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. . .do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry . . .I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
My race will begin by meeting the physical needs of the people God places me in contact with. This is one of the main reasons I chose the World Race, we will focus on the physical needs of the people (as demonstrated by Christ) and then upon physical victory, I will openly share the hope I have in Christ and the eternal life He has to offer through the love sacrifice for the sins of the world on Calvary. I could not be more humbled then to deliver this message to 11 countries of the world. And so I go.
TANAZANIA is my focus country this week:

John Stephen Akhwari was a man from Tanzania who ran an Olympic marathon, many years ago. He did not win the race, or even earn a medal at all . . .in fact, he came in last place. However, John Stephen Akhwari finished the race. When asked why he was determined to complete his race, having already lost any chance of medaling, he said . . .
"My country did not send me 5,000 miles to start the race. They sent me 5,000 miles to finish it."
My beloved WR supporters . . .my "Go LO Go" team . . . my family . . .my friends . . . God is using you to send me on this race . . .and although I hit a weary spot on the track this weekend, God has revived me and I am ready to finish the preparation well . . .to start my World Race.

LOVED., Lauren!<><+
PS I have $3,900 towards my next goal of $6,500 . . .what can you give right now that will push my race forward towards the goal? A 1 time gift? A monthly offering? Do what you can, God will use every penny :)
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