As told to me by my blogger statistics (From my personal blog "my story, His story" . . . I apparently have a broad readership in Russia! This of course I find fascinating! Why Russia? I have no idea! But I figured that whatever the reason, these faithful readers deserve a post dedicated to them!

Therefore, as tribute to my faithful readers in Russia AND because Russia happens to be 1 of my 11 countries with the World Race, this week's Moving Forward post is all about . . .
Russia is the country of vast landscapes, vibrant life, beautiful contrasts, and interesting people. Taking an immense space of 9000 kilometers from west to east and 5000 from north to south, being home to people of so many different nationalities and traditions, Russia is often called a "bridge" between Europe and Asia, both culturally and geographically.
Since the ancient times Russia has been transforming and re-shaping itself, its boundaries, its culture. In the ancient times, the Slavs, Finn tribes, Tatars, had made their way through Russia, and this mix of many different nations and their traditions has defined the unique Russian character and culture.

Now that you know a little bit about the country and its' people, I want to share something personal about Russia with you . . .
In Spring of 2008, my roommate and I were supposed to travel to Russia and were not able to go in a sudden turn of events. We were both quite bitter over it, to be honest! We both really felt led to go on this trip and were unable to, bottom line. We were both blessed, not even 3 months later, to travel with a wonderful group to Peru! We spent 3 weeks in the mountains and cities of Peru, sharing Christ and overcoming some amazing obstacles along the way. God had/has a plan. 2 years ago, I was unable to find the peace I needed from the Lord to travel to Russia with another group of my friends who were traveling there on mission. I stayed home and picked them up from the airport when they returned. My time in Russia has been delayed over and over again. I PRAY that the Lord's will is what I have been confident in and that is that I will indeed finally arrive in Russia for month 3 of my World Race . . .I am beyond thrilled!
My missionary friends have spoken of a darkness there, a need for joy. God has been filling me with joy for 5 months and I can't WAIT to get there and spread a little around! Many of the countries I am set to travel to have a burden on my heart because of the ways in which I know God will use me to serve there . . . Russia is different in my spirit. Holds a different emotion/knowledge.
I will be changed in Russia. God wants to change my heart . . . something about me and He plans to use Russia . . . and Russians to do it.
The pics you have seen in this post are from a few of my friend's journeys to this country that our GREAT God surely loves. Russians, friends, family, know that you are LOVED. and that you have a great purpose. Blessings!
PS Will you join me in my mission? Here are a few ways:
1. Click here to donate online (1 time or monthly gift!)
2. Send check to Adventures In Missions at:
Adventures In Missions
PO Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353-4470
*Be sure to indicate the purpose of your gift on your check: Lauren Clement (The World Race)
3. Buy a "Go LO Go" T-shirt for $20 (Post your desire to buy in a comment below)!
4. Inquire about my coming to speak about my trip to your favorite group of people by commenting below!
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