As I sip my Iced Caramel Macchiato and look back on this day, I can only sigh with complete joy and satisfaction at the goodness of my God! He is awesome!
Started this morning with prayer over the incredible fulfillment of my dear friend and award winning recording artist, Priscilla Sapp's, dream . . . we ministered this afternoon as a team to 700 kids at Warrington Middle school! What an opportunity to shine and bring about lifechange!
Priscilla spoke and sang after we presented a skit (I played a character in this) and then a little bit of dancing closed out the assembly. We addressed rampant topics like drugs, alcohol, teen pregnancy/abstinence, bullying, etc . . . they listened, they responded, and I walked away completely moved by God's use of His people to speak into the lives of our youth, some down and out!
One little 12 year old girl walked up to us and said, "I'm pregnant . . . thank you for coming . . . I wish you came a couple of months ago but I still say thank you." Mm. What do you say to that?

I ran back to the house (We all know that I don't mean literally! ha!) where Iscarfed down a bowl of pasta with butter, salt, and garlic powder sprinkled on top! There was no time for even a little sauce! Haha!

Next I zoomed off to a dance choreography session with my 6 other Gull Point Center instructors (What an event it was to teach Ballet/Pointe instructors to "pop" isolation techniques . . . I was lovin' every minute, you know I was!!Haha!
Lastly, I received a call asking me to run to Pace, FL to speak on "Purity" for teens and their moms. Not knowing the group of females at all, I just prayed for God's wisdom and for Biblical insight and WENT FOR IT! The blessing of my heart was that my mama was there to hear me speak for the very first time! AMEN to that! What a moment of victory :)
After such a long and yet glorious day, I am compelled to write not only about your opportunity to give to my World Race (78 days and counting!!) for which I am ever so grateful but also about the multiple opportunities to serve your purpose on this earth that open up when you allow yourself the freedom to serve WHEREVER God places you in this life. I did not ask for 1 thing I was a part of today . . . unless you count this prayer, "God, use me! Wherever, whenever, however. Amen"
I encourage you to GET OUT THERE . . . TOMORROW and serve a Holy and powerful God because He is alive and He wants to use YOU to change other's lives! He will use YOUR strengths because they came from Him anyway :) He knows you, He sees you, He loves you . . . To borrow a well known company's slogan . . . JUST DO IT!
Many blessings "as you go."
(T-shirt option 1: $20)
(T-shirt option 2: $20)
5 ways to help my World Race:
1. Buy a T-shirt
2. Buy more than 1 T-shirt (Hah!)
3. Share with your friends on FB, Twitter, and by word of mouth about my 2 T-shirt designs for sale!
4. Wear your shirt EVERY DAY once it arrives (Just kidding! But seriously!)
5. Pray for the sales of my T-shirts and the up and coming financial deadline: May 5th - $3,500
"A man’s harvest in life will depend entirely on what he sows. If he sows for his own lower nature his harvest will be the decay and death of his own nature. But if he sows for the Spirit he will reap the harvest of everlasting life by the Spirit."(Galatians 6:7-8, Phillips)
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