Good Monday evening everyone!!!


"One day without shoes" is a designated day out of each year where the world is asked to NOT wear shoes . . .to go BAREFOOTED!!! 


Children in multiple countries around the world do not have the privileged of owning even ONE pair of shoes . . . and we want those who have even ONE pair . . . and those like me who have more than I'd like to admit . . . to be aware of the needs of others

. . . and then to DO SOMETHING NOW about it!

"1 for 1" is the slogan that TOMS shoes has used for years to represent their mission. A person (you!) buys 1 pair of TOMS shoes and 1 pair is given away to a child in need some place in the world. You have actually bought 2 pairs of shoes and you will wear 1 while the other goes to that child who has none. 


Another reason to share our "shoe wealth" (lol) is because of the disease that is spread when a person goes without shoes and lives in filth. 

I'm grateful this week to connect my World Race mission with that of TOMSshoes for the collective goal of helping improve the world we live in and show a little love to the others on our planet who go without. 

Click  here to read my WR story!

My "focus country" for THIS week is . . .

KENYA, Africa!!!


Kenya is one of the places that TOMS reaches with their shoes because of the great need to stop the spread of Chiggers in children's feet across its' land. 

Kenya will be my 4th country I travel to!!

When I was a little girl, I was given a doll by my parents and her name was "Kenya" because she was from Kenya, Africa . . .there was a story on her box that was supposedly HER story and I believed it with all of my heart. As I sat and braided her hair, I often wondered what it would be like to travel to her land. 


I prayed that God would allow me to travel to Kenya as a missionary.

God answers prayers :)

So . . . for every little girl or boy in Kenya, I ask you to do a few things:

1. DO NOT WEAR SHOES on Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 (TOMORROW!) and encourage your friends and family to do the same!

2. Buy a pair of TOMS shoes at their website:

3. Support my mission (It has been said that I might have the opportunity to give TOMS away and I'd LOVE to do that inKenya while I'm there!): Click ME!

Many blessings this week as we celebrate the life that was given for us, JesusChrist and His resurrection from the dead! He is alive and well and we are here to bring Him glory by living to our potential. Let go and live :)



PS Comment below if you go barefooted tomorrow, buy TOMS shoes, and/or give to my WR!!