See... some people worship God with their voices or their instruments in musical worship. Others choose to worship God with dance, or other giftings that God has blessed them with. I know of quite a few sweet friends of mine who worship God with the words they type or even in the way they rare their children. Really, worship is about living for God and giving Him the glory in everything we do.
Many times worship comes in the form of faith.

In month 3 of my World Race, we faced MAJOR spiritual warfare. We lived in a small village in the countryside where wagons were still pulled by mules down the dusty road outside of little Catholic church we called home. Inside of our home, a soup kitchen was visited daily by the partially infirmed of the local community. Along with a few lonely souls.
The lady who ran the kitchen was possessed. I know you just did a double take... so did I the first time she barked like a dog and turned for the worse before our eyes. I won't get into the nitty gritty of that experience right now, today at least. I will say that the following days though, were filled with a team of Christians whose' minds were blown from the existence they had been so ignorantly and blissfully (I might add) living up to this moment. We were scared.
So we banded together to seek the One Who we knew could conquer evil and quiet our fears. We were seeking our new friend's deliverance, yes. But we were also seeking inner peace for us and a release of what we would experience the next few weeks. Living in Moldova was amazing. I will never forget it and my team and I grew close, as you can imagine.
We fought for each other. We prayed a lot...
And we waved the worship flags in FULL FAITH that God would count this act as precious and would show up because we were obedient to trust Him and praise Him despite our fear.
We waved the flags in eminent victory. For our friend. For this sweet village. For ourselves and our future, knowing that evil is real but that we have authority over evil in the name of Christ.
You may have never seen a woman possessed by evil forces but you have faced days that didn't make sense and trials that didn't seem at all fair. Those are both examples of spiritual warfare on a daily level. Worship is such an act of faith in direct combat to the enemy's silly plans. I encourage you today, whatever you may be facing that seems out of your control... worship the Lord now with anything you have to offer Him. Not because it's a give and take... no... because He already gave His life and brought us victory over death. Life is ours to live. So live it in faith.
The following are a few of the pics taken by a teammate and dear friend/brother of mine. Christian Norris. He is a gifted photographer in the making. My beautiful teammate Ali Kendrick and I decided to wave our flags over the hillsides on top of which we dwelt, as an act of faithful worship to our Papa in heaven and in spite of our fearful surroundings. And boy did He bless us for it! You will see from our faces that it was an experience we will not long forget. Worship music played and we waved and danced as Chrish snapped away. He captured worship. He captured faith.
How has worship impacted your faith? OR the opposite! Has your faith taken worship to a new level for you? Tell me all about it in comments below :)
Read more from my 31 Days of Faith.
Read more 31 Days blog posts.
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