So Papa asked me to "Come away" with Him long ago... at 6 years old, actually.
When He asked...not told but asked, I said yes. I said yes largely because it sounded like an adventure to live my life with Him leading me. Partly, because He was so romantic in His early pursuit of my heart. And mostly, because I knew right then and there that He LOVED. me more than anyone could ever love someone as humans on this earth. I desired that relationship with Him and He began, in that little moment, to build my faith, to trust, to follow, and to live the adventure of a lifetime. Literally.
I have been attempting to decide for what seems like months but has yet only been days, what to write about as a theme for my collaboration series with The Nester. I will be linking up with her superb annual Series starter 31 Days and will confront one thought from (hopefully) 31 different angles, to bring to you a month of focused furry in regards to what Jesus wants to teach me and therefore share with you.
I hope to keep it short, simple, heart-warming/provoking, and include stories, challenges, and much more on this one specific Spirit led series topic.
As does the month of October, my series will begin on Tuesday! I will be out of town almost the entire first week of October, which shall make posting tricky. Bare with me :)
I know the Lord has called me to share in this one month writing adventure, as a part of His broad adventurous leadings in my creative and practical writing outlets. My hope is that as I follow His call to do this in obedience that you and I both will be inspired in our EVERY. October. Day.
Drummer role please...
Faith. 31 Days of Faith.
I thought about specifying in this title that I would be sharing unknown stories form my last year on the World Race. And I will be but have felt the constant urge the last couple of days, not to box myself in. God always wants to do more than we can expect.
So... hear the call and read the stories as I beseech you to "Come away" with the Father of Lights, to reveal to you the areas of our lives that could be brought from the shades of grey that we live in and into His glorious light of life.
"Come away" to the days of the past and the lessons learned for the future, as I seize FAITH today.
I have yet to conquer this quest and that is why I'm seeking His wisdom, His plans. Because I know they're great... and absolutely full of Him.
Won't you join me in this FAITH discovery for the month of October? I encourage you to also check out the other writers in the Link Up at The Nester's blog this month (Link above). It's also not too late to join in if you feel the tug on your heart to do so. What could you share with the world for 31 days...

(Many times it's easy to judge worship if it's different then ours. This past year, I noted worship as "different" everywhere I traveled around the world. I love this video by Jesus Culture because Stephany worships in a way that resonates so deeply with my need for God given expression, that it doesn't matter if she looks different when she does it because it's all in, for, and about Him. And He's wild about her. And I'm wild about Him.) Come Away by Jesus Culture!!! (Click that link to hear/see my cry for faith this next month)
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