The city street was a buzz with the sounds of the night as we blew past people, clubs, and shadows of what the recent day in Ireland looked like. No longer was our focus on the Irish details of this great city, we were in a hurry.
Running was our only option and since we skipped dinner to see NeedtoBreathe in concert, pizza, "chips"(fries), and coke/fanta was being guarded from falling to the dirty street all along the way. We've eating bread & jam for what feels like months and although we are grateful, this feast would soon be consumed with an unmatched gratitude!
Running for the dart last night reminded me of the urgency we should feel as Christians in sharing the GREAT news of Jesus Christ with the world. It therefore reminded me of how quickly we should be ready to serve the people we come in contact with.You never know when this could be their (or yours!) last minute in this place, this moment of time. May we share/love with urgency.
We did make the dart (train!) and God gave us the amazing opportunity to speak with Laura, a local woman and mother. She ended up living only 2 minutes from where we are staying. She spoke about old Ireland and its' love for religion and about the bitterness of the people now because of religious scandals in recent years. She sounded hopeful when we told her we hoped to help. She even gave us ideas on how to effectively reach people with love and service in our local township. She appreciated our offers to mow her grass and cook her dinner. We exchanged numbers and I hope we are able to do this better work soon.
Now looking back to our dash to the Dart . . .I wonder if our urgency to get home was actually God urging us to meet up with Laura? He DOES work in mysterious ways! Well, our dinner was a feast and the night as a whole was a WR adventure of a lifetime. I could truly say that God is a God of details and wants to bless us. There's no place I'd rather be than here in His love. May the urgency to run this race for God be ever present in my heart as I journey forward on this isle.
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