Mostly, I am just so ready to get going with this journey and feel the great anticipation of setting financial goals and watching God use all of you to meet them! It really has been a phenomenal blessing thus far as a humbled servant of Christ, asking for monetary funds to be able to "go." I think it is hard for any person to ask for money. Seriously, no fun! However, this life is not all about fun when you know there are people suffering from travesties worldwide and WE have the power to bring them freedom! Again, thank you for letting me go. I remain indebted to my God for using this broken vessel, made whole only by His hands. Upon saying that, I quickly follow with gratitude for you all and the way you are living life as givers.
1st step in getting organized:
Weekly Blog Posts!
Mondays = Moving Forward (The revealing of a new country to focus on from the 11 that I will travel through, including stories, pictures, needs, and fun facts)!
Wednesdays = Mid-week Mission (One specific fundraiser that you can join forces with me in)!
Fridays = Friday 5 (A short list of 5 different ways you can be involved in my journey, with links and easily accessed info)
Because today is MONDAY . . .well, you know what that means:
This week's country is . . . .(drummer roll, please) . . .
With nearly a sixth of the world's population within its borders, India is a country bursting with people and culture. Home to a diverse array of beliefs from Hinduism to Islam, to a blend of folk religions and other faiths, it is a country of pluralism with twenty-nine languages spoken by over a million native speakers, multiple religions, cuisine, socio-economic classes, and political parties. India's struggles with poverty and crimes of human trafficking, forced prostitution, religious persecution, and more. You might work with local churches to encourage believers and most likely be challenged by their testimonies. Your presence'll bring hope and truth to those that society deems "untouchable."
I read the story of a little boy today, his name is unkown but his face is real . . .he lives in India within the walls of an orpahanage. He is blessed . . .
Blessed indeed. You say, "Blessed? How is this orphan blessed?" This little baby boy lives within the walls of a home. Not a home like you and I enjoy but a dwelling place, a refuge, most often a source of food and safety. One thing I have yet to mention is that this little angel, along with the other children within the orphanage walls, daily faces the challenges of having (what we call) a mental disability. I am unsure of his exact diagnosis but all too aware of the struggles he will face as a little boy in India.
I will very possibly be traveling to this orphanage . And if not, one very similar. I also will have the great priviledge of reaching out to children who only dream of living within the safety of an orphanage but instead find their dwellings in the street. This is India. Colorful. Artistic. Agriculturally and merchandise strong . . .disease infested, hungry, and often hopeless in the midst of economical crisis.
Please . . .send me to India. Not because I can change the country as a whole but because I may make a difference in a life . . .a single life just like yours or mine. It's worth it, no doubt! A little change goes a long way. Click "Donate" below this post. You can start changing lives now. Blessings!
Lauren "LO"!<><+
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