Wednesday, January 18, 2012

". . .my mama said"

I woke up this morning defeated. Does that ever happen to you? Do you open your eyes and know that the day, no matter how many joys should be in it, is going to suck just because? That was this day. If you ever thought that my many FB statuses, Twitter quotes, and/or blog posts emphasizing Christ and His perfection meant that I too had reached a constant state of utopia . . .think again :) 

Every day, almost without fail, I try and soak in the Word of God . . .not all at once and some days more often throughout the day than others but every day, I attempt to feed on what fills me most. Best. Longest. To better completion. Still . . . 

I have those days like I did today. 

I think that all of us often feel the need to COVER our bad days, to hide in shame because of them . . .even to ignore them and pretend they don't exist. We think, I shouldn't be having days like this . . .or as I stated to my own mother today, "I should have conquered these issues long ago. I should not still struggle with them." My sweet mother. She puts up with so much! She knows me, you know what I mean? Maybe it's your mother, or maybe it's your best friend, or maybe it's your hubby or wife, maybe it's your sweet and understanding daddy. Whoever it is . . .thank God for them and then thank them personally too. For just being them. AND for being there for you. 

My statement was of course RIDICULOUS! Of course I still struggle . . .am I still human? The Bible says in Lamentations 3, verse 22 specifically, "Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not." I do struggle . . .some days a LOT more than others . . .I have hope and yet I still struggle. I thank God today that His compassions fail not. I love the word mercy. 

Mercy( compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power

In His all-powerful state, He chooses to show me compassion.

Forbearance( a refraining from the enforcement of something (as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due

In His all-powerful state, He chooses to refrain from the enforcement of what is due . . .or owed.

I owe Him nothing but my life. He gave His . . .Jesus Christ gave His life so that I would not have penalty for my sin, upon receiving His gift of salvation.  

These bad days . . .days like today when I'm whipped before I've even fought the battle . . .days when I can't even really figure out what went wrong logically because there wasn't time before I exited my comforter for there to have been anything that happened to determine such a bad day. This day. This day I am free. I am free from shame. I am free from burden. And tomorrow . . .I will have new MERCIES. 

2 Corinthians 1:2 states, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. . ." 

My God is a "Blesser by nature" (Stealing this phrase from a friend). He is the perfect Father Who KNOWS how His child should be best blessed. For me today, that was with His COMFORT.  

Tomorrow, God already KNOWS that He will bless me with His new MERCIES. I need His mercy and He freely gives. No strings attached. Phew! 

The rest of that passage in 2 Corinthians is phenomenal! Check it out here:

After you've done that . . .take God's Word as I have today . . .as a sign that God already knew (Much like our mamas!), that there would be days like this! I know I learned something huge today . . .it's okay to have days like this, when most of them are not. If they are all like this than we have an issue that goes deeper . . .that's another topic altogether. However, even in a day, wounds can be struck by words unintended and harsh attitudes can be passed around instead of a spirit of refreshment . . .believe me, I struck and passed out plenty today :( I'm making a plan that next time I wake up KNOWING that today's "one of those days" . .. I'm going to get into some serious solitude with the Lord, no distractions . . .and ward off the enemy's schemes. I felt his presence today, satans' I mean. He was lurking. He sees what God has been doing in my heart . . .all of the good work He's been doing to change me, to make me active for the kingdom . . .and he doesn't like it! Bottom line. He's just not happy. Too bad :) 

Praying for you right now. Those of you who will admit to having one of those days . . .and to those of you that like me, prefer for most to think you never have them . . .we know you do. More importantly, it's okay that you do. Just as long as we all know where to turn when those days roll in . . .the God of all comfort . . .the perfect Father of new mercies.  

"Through the LORD's mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not . . . 

. . .they are NEW EVERY MORNING; great is Your faithfulness." -Lamentations 3:22-23

  • Is there anything you would like to share on this topic? Any thoughts? Prayer requests (The non-gossip and personal kind)? Any other Scriptures that speak to this topic? How about a word of how God's mercies have been faithful to you?


  1. Awesome blog. Truly encouraging. Thank you for being so open and real!
    -Armando Y

  2. Absolutely, friend. I get nervous writing personal things, just like everyone would but then God's just like, "Do it!" hahah in a loving God kind of way! Thanks for reading and posting :)
